The Ela Nedra Healing Method
I’m a soul led and intuitive therapist who'll inspire and teach you how to find self love and acceptance, taking you from stuck to freedom!
Love, Emma x
Align & Shine!
Because ...
Your life can be big, beautiful and bold.
You can’t change situations—but you CAN change how you react to them.
It’s time to glow - Let me show you how...
Therapist, Teacher and Healer since 1999
Not sure what you need?
“Emma, You are magical. Working with you is inspiring and a breath of fresh air.”
~Deborah, Nanny, London
My Events
Let's Get Connected
In-Person Healing Groups
SW London
Fun, nourishing & interactive healing events and workshops held on weekends and daytimes including Reiki Shares, Reiki Courses & EFT to use with Kids Training
“Emma, You are magical. Working with you is inspiring and a breath of fresh air.”
~Deborah, Nanny, London
My Story
Being Neuro Divine and finding my Superpower...
Hi, I'm Emma. Singing and Natural Health have always been central to my life. I’ve been a therapist since 1999 and a singer since I could speak. And if you know me, you know I love to chat!
Without having done my own inner healing work, I wouldn’t be the therapist, healer, teacher and singer I am today.
I had some old insecurities and beliefs I needed to deal with. Reiki and EFT (tapping) changed my world and how I see it....
Milly, Freelancer,
My Reiki 1 weekend with Emma exceeded all my expectations, can't think of a better teacher I'd rather learn from. Loved the small class sizes - already signed up for Level 2
Michelle, Artist,
Emma’s online sessions are wonderful! Her EFT coaching sessions have changed my life; all from my favourite comfy chair.
Nicola, Marketing Manager, Birmingham
Making emotional connections really helped me break my negative patterns. I have more happiness, acceptance and peace than I ever could have imagined.
Eradicate the NO — My music journey
EmCave - Eradicate The No
Follow me on Spotify
Or your other favourite streaming services
to stay in the loop for my latest releases!
Boosting your immune system has never been more important than now!
Detox & Cleansing Plans
Weight Loss
Digestion Problem Solving
Immune-System Reboot
Herbal & Supplement Guidance
Nutrition Advice
Hour session £80
For when times are tight
'I've got you'
Hour Session £55
Packages Available
Writing and singing was my dream. What's yours?
After doing my own inner work with tapping, detoxing, self-enquiry, talking, crying, shouting, and healing…
I finally have the courage to show the world my music and sing!
Watch my Eradicate the NO video below
Unlock your creative
powers with these seriously no-nonsense sessions.
90 minute session £150
Packages Available